The Ultimate Sales Machine

Year read: 2016
How strongly I recommend it: 8/10

(See my list of books I've read, for more.)

Go to the Amazon page for details and reviews.

Practice, practice, practice.

Practice and repetition. Practice like you play/work.

Always look to improve the process.

Create processes that are repeatable and can be replicated across the company.

Create a list of dream clients to work on and chip away at them until the time is right. Follow up.

Focus on serving your customers. Don’t focus on what your product does. Focus on what they do to make your customer’s job/life easier.

Stories sell over facts -> tell a story.

List your customers before trying to solve their problems. You need to know what they need help with before you can help them (common sense right).

Hold yourself and your goals accountable. List them in a public place. Don’t hide them. Be held accountable. List goals in plain sight for yourself so you see them every day if not multiple times a day.

You need pigheaded discipline and determination.

Schedule everything.

Education-based marketing – Teach your customers how to improve their lives and businesses. Show them how your product/solution can be used to improve their lives/businesses following what you taught them.

Offer something of value to the customer before trying to sell your product.
Improve on criticism. Do not take criticism personally. Easier said than done, I know. Do not get defensive. Receive and process the feedback externally, looking inwards. You should be thankful. For what you learn today is something that gets fixed today, increasing your revenue tomorrow.

Never lie. When you lie, you lose the trust of your customers. You will never regain their trust after it has been lost.

The reticular activating system also helps mediate transitions from relaxed wakefulness to periods of high attention.

Here’s an example:

You’re walking around the airport lost in your thoughts. There are hundreds of people around you in conversation and moving about. You are kind of oblivious because it does not involve you. However, once someone says your name you snap out of your thoughts and look for who called your name. That is your RAS (reticular activating system) taking control.


  • “If you want to be interesting, be interested. If you want to be fascinating, be fascinated.” – Chet Holmes
  • “The first thing you need to do is if you want people to change is to show them why what they’re doing now isn’t working.” – Chet Holmes
  • “Don’t tell what it is. Tell me why it’s valuable.” – Chet Holmes
  • “The more standards you set, the higher the performance you can expect from every level of talent.” – Chet Holmes
  • “Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.” – Thomas Edison

Go to the Amazon page for details and reviews.